Thursday, 4 May 2017

Collection of PowerPoints to Introduce the 2019 KS2 SATs Tests (with Emojis!)

I have put together some light-hearted, potentially humorous, but hopefully informative PowerPoints to use with year 6 children either during the run-up to SATs or on the mornings before the tests.

They use questions from the 2016 KS2 test to remind children of test techniques and tips that will help them to do their best on the day.



Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar:


Some reviews:

"All the things I say over and over again but with the added bonus of emojis. Maybe this will embed the message just that little more! Fingers crossed. Thanks for sharing."

"Excellent overview of the new SATS - thank you!"

"Thank you its just what I need for the final push."

"Good fun: will make my class smile and remember some of those important things they might forget when exam nerves set in. Thank you for sharing!"

"A wonderfully lighthearted PowerPoint to alleviate the concerns of any Y6 pupils anticipating the reading paper. Straight-to-the-point and precise, with smiley faces to boot. Cheers for pulling it together - may the force be with them."

"Have downloaded all these! Made me chuckle but gets the point across. It's also reassuring to know that all the little niggles I had with these tests, children are doing all over the country! TICK ONE BOX!!!!!!! AARGGH!"

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